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Host Hotel Room Lottery

The 2025 room lottery will take place on March 19, 2025.

In order to better serve you, most of our volunteers are housed at the host resort. After they have all been accommodated, the remaining rooms at the host resort are placed into a lottery. Those who purchase a weekend pass on or before March are 15 will automatically be entered into the room lottery.

Because life happens, a few rooms at the host resort may become available close to the dates of the event. If you are interested in these rooms, join our Facebook group or mailing list to be notified if and when host hotel rooms become available after March.

2 Responses to Host Hotel Room Lottery

  1. Timothy Cusick April 17, 2023 at 5:42 pm #

    Have you determined the winner of the 2023 room lottery?

    • Vince April 26, 2023 at 3:03 pm #

      Hi Tim!
      The raffle was done on 4/15/23. If you bought your ticket to this year’s event by 4/13/23, then you were entered into the raffle. Everyone who bought their ticket by 4/13/23 has already been notified whether they won or not.